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Learn how to lose weight wisely

learn how to lose weight wisely

1-Understand the role of food.

a) What you need to know.

When we eat, what matters to the body is how much we provide it with nutrients. The body is like a moving car which needs not only fuel (gasoline, diesel, etc.) to run, but many other oils (motor oil, steering oil, axle oil, grease, etc.) without which the car cannot run properly Nutrients are the essential constituents of food These are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, drinking water, mineral water, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and trace elements We know much more about proteins (meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, beans, soybeans, nuts, hazelnuts, legumes, etc.), carbohydrates (sugars, honey, sweet drinks, pastries, rice, pasta, flour, potatoes, bananas, cassava, yams, starches, etc.), lipids (oils, butter, fatty substances, etc.) and some mineral salts and vitamins.But we hardly know the trace elements which are catalyst elements, very precious which exist in very small quantities of in certain foods The body needs all of this for its proper functioning A deficiency or imbalance over a long period of one element of this set always has serious consequences for your health There is a saying that, man is what he eats or man is as he eats. I will say: tell me how you eat and I will tell you what you will suffer from in a few years.

b) Carbohydrates and weight gain

The energy supply to our body comes mainly from carbohydrates and lipids. The carbohydrates that we eat come in various forms: fast sugars or simple sugars (white and brown sugar, fructose or sugar in fruits and vegetables, honey, lactose, etc.) and complex sugars or slow sugars (bread, rice, rusks) , flakes, flour, potatoes, yams, cassava, bananas, semolina, potatoes, i.e. cereals and starches). Once ingested, carbohydrates are transformed into glucose under the action of digestive juices. Under the action of insulin secreted by the pancreas, glucose passes into the blood. It is then used directly as fuel by the body or stored in the form of glycogen in the liver and muscles. When the meal is slow in coming or the effort is prolonged, the same glycogen is transformed into glucose and used again as fuel under the action of insulin secreted by the pancreas. Hence the need to eat at regular times without overeating and without snacking so as not to disturb the system. Remember that everything that is not used is transformed into reserve fat, resulting in an overload of the body.We think of gaining weight when in reality we take fat, we take waste.Lipids provide the body. The body twice as many calories as carbohydrates.The digestion of lipids is more complex and places great demands on the liver. Since lipids are highly energetic, strict control is required in their consumption to avoid overloading the body.

c) Lipids and weight gain.

Lipids are the fat of living beings. They are made up of saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids are from animal origin (butter, cold meats, beef and mutton, etc.) and unsaturated fatty acids are from vegetable origin (vegetable oil, dried fruits, nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, etc.). Lipids provide twice as much energy to the body as carbohydrates and when you eat too much fat (snacking, pastries, force-feeding , cold meats, etc.) it is normal for you to be fat and quite obese. No diet or herbal tea can correct your bad life; it's up to you to put in the effort to stay in shape and maintain your weight. Herbal teas will make you lose pounds and a lot of pounds which unfortunately will be quickly regained and very quickly if you do not change your behavior when it comes to food. The people you see fit and admire go to great lengths for this, it is not to discourage you and I am telling you the truth and nothing but the truth. Eating gracefully and wanting to lose weight at the same time are incompatible; you cannot desire one thing and its opposite at the same time. Let no one cheat on you. Weight gain is an entry and exit problem. When the inputs exceed the outputs without compensation, the body converts the excess into fat and your weight increases. It is a very simple and easy to understand principle. You can't eat a lot, snack a lot, sleep a lot, you stuff yourself with sweets, exercise little without putting on weight. It's absurd. Whatever your composition, you are going to put on pounds. Maybe without becoming obese if you are not predisposed to obesity. But those who are predisposed to it must be very careful what they eat. So think about it before deciding to lose unnecessary pounds in order to better manage yourself so as not to put them back on. The rule is "eat right, eat light, eat balanced, eat healthy and eat better". So everyone will be satisfied. Thank you in advance for the understanding.

d) Proteins, water, dietary fiber, vitamins, salts and trace elerment

Lipids are building blocks of our body. These are low energy nutrients which actively participate in cell growth and renewal. Water, vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements are solvent elements, essential catalysts, transporters, stimulants and moderators which participate in the proper functioning of the organism at all levels. They provide almost no energy but enter into the composition of several body fluids (blood, hormones, sperms, enzymes, saliva, secretions, gastric juices, etc.). Dietary fiber does not provide any energy but cleanses the body properly. This is the role that mother nature has given them. Whenever your diet is low in dietary fiber for a long time, you will be constipated. From established constipation to hemorrhoid there is only one step. I will say one small step. Laxatives won't do anything for you over time. In addition, the abuse of laxatives can lead to an ulcer of the colon by irritation of the latter. Constipation is not the disease; you have to review your lifestyle. The way you eat is the cause of your constipation. Watch out for your liver. You understand that even nature has planned everything for us as long as our diet is well balanced. Men should be even more wary of hemorrhoids which, once properly installed, cause sexual weakness and ultimately impotence. But a diet rich in fiber, copper, zinc and vitamins C and E will restore tone. If not, consult the center.

e) The secret of diets to lose weight or gain weight quietly.

Now that you understand the role of each food, you can choose to gain or lose weight at will. You can increase your weight or reduce it on your own by playing the game between energy foods and cleansers while taking your weight into account. daily calorie requirement. But do not confuse gaining weight and gaining muscle. Gaining muscle or taking fat waste. To gain weight better or lose weight better, you should not neglect sports activities and especially walking which is the king sport. Remember that energy foods are carbohydrates and lipids. Cleaner foods are ripe fruits and vegetables because of their richness in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and especially dietary fibers (cleaners par excellence) . Raw vegetables are poor in energy, so to lose weight you need a diet (without snacking) very low in calories and very rich in raw vegetables. The opposite will make you gain pounds. I think I will be fairer by giving you herbal teas that purify the body, suppress hunger and also herbal teas that excite the appetite. It is true that many want to lose pounds, especially women, but there are some people who also want to gain a few pounds. It's up to you to know what is good for you. We do not throw ourselves into the regime. The first step is to determine how many pounds to lose and why, because you need good motivation. Know its constitution, know its current weight, its strengths and weaknesses in order to use the strengths to overcome the weaknesses. Once the diet starts, you need to go through with it. Be brave, stop at nothing and once the goal is reached, manage the rest with the same determination so as not to regain the lost pounds.

f) Some factors favoring weight gain or loss.

- - What really makes you fat is overeating, snacking, baking, lack of exercise, alcohol and its derivatives because of their calorie content. - - Sport improves cardiovascular health, increases overall energy expenditure, strengthens muscle mass, promotes fat loss (used as fuel for exercise), lowers blood pressure, blood sugar, bad cholesterol and promotes the good cholesterol. So sport is useful in all cases. - - Menauposis and motherhood promote normal weight gain in women, they have no complaints .

L - Pills don't really make you fat with a few exceptions. -

- Stress promotes snacking and can increase your weight.

 - Repeated fasting is good if you want to lose weight. -

- Stopping sport promotes weight gain in serious athletes. - - Heavy drinkers of beers or sweets will always be obese with a large belly due to the dilation of the stomach by carbon dioxide/

2-Calculate the number of calorie's per day needed

a)How much calories do you require on a daily basis?

Knowing the amount of energy or calories that our body needs to consume every day is essential. As we put gasoline in our car to drive, or our strength to ride a bicycle, we demand energy daily for various activities: moving, getting up, washing, walking, working, eating, reading, writing. , typing, running, thinking, picking up an object, talking, breathing, digesting, living, sleeping, etc. Only a corpse does not need energy, but we have little awareness of it. The amount of energy a person requires each day varies depending on their gender, height, age, weight, level of physical activity, level of intellectual and mental activity. For example, the number of calories per day for a peasant (who plows his field every day for 5 hours) is obviously more important than the number of calories per day for a woman like a secretary of 1m65 (sedentary working in front of a computer). In addition, mental or intellectual effort in a student undergoing revision consumes almost as many calories as physical effort. An average man requires about 2,500 calories each day to maintain body weight, and an average woman about 2,000 cals daily (except in pregnancy or breastfeeding, where her body may have higher energy demands). Normally, a person's average calorie needs vary based on their daily physical activities.

b) Calorie needs in normal times

. - In the man: If it is active less than 30 minutes daily: it requires about 2,100 kilocalories (Cal),

If it is active for 30 to 60 minutes daily: approximately 2,500 to 2,700 Cal,

If he is active for more than 60 minutes daily: 3,000 to 3,500 Cal approximately (the longer and more intense the activity, the greater his caloric expenditure).

--Woman: If it is active less than 30 minutes daily: it requires about 1,800 Cal, If it is active for 30 to 60 minutes daily: approximately 2,000 to 2,200 Cal, If active for more than 60 minutes daily: 2400 to 2800 Cal If pregnant or breastfeeding: 1,800-2,500 Cal. NB: 1 Calorie = 1 kilocalorie = 1000 calories. (there is a large calorie and a small calorie). But in dietetics we sometimes confuse the three.

Important note

Other factors can also affect the amount of calories you burn daily, such as: your state of health or illness, certain hormones (especially thyroid), some medications (such as glucocorticoids used to treat inflammation), mood swings, the temperature of the environment you are in, etc. For example, in cold weather, the body needs more calories to maintain the normal temperature of 37 ° 5 and in a state of sleep or illness the body. expends few calories. The energy we use to run our bodies every day comes from what we eat or drink. Knowing our daily calorie demand allows us to better adapt our diet to better control our weight. For example, a person who requires 2000 kilocalories (Cal) on a daily basis therefore has very little interest in consuming 2,500 kilocalories (that is to say 500 Cal in excess of his demands, these 500 Cal will be stored in their fat if that person does not exercise extra to burn them). If, on the other hand, this same person consumes only 1,500 Cal each day, and therefore eats 500 Cal per day less than their daily calorie requirements, they should lose weight (and this even faster if they exercise alongside them. But, we recommend that you do not drop below a daily calorie intake of 1,200 unless you are following a medically supervised weight loss program or after consulting and obtaining the approval of your physician. require a higher calorie consumption in order to maintain their body weight. Be aware that a "sedentary" lifestyle is equivalent to zero kilometers of walking per day, "lightly active" is equivalent to less than 6 kilometers of walking per day (up to 9 400 steps on foot), "moderately active" is equivalent to between 6.1 and 16 km of walking per day (between 9,400 and 23,500 steps), "very active" is equivalent to walking 16.1 to 20 km per day (between 23,500 and 30,000 steps per day), "extremely active" means walking more than 20 km each day (more than 30,000 steps.


Diet proposals to lose weight on the fly.

a) - Diet to lose weight on the fly.

Only one balanced meal per day, preferably at breakfast or lunch.

- 30 minutes before the meal a fruit of the season.

- Drink a glass of water in the middle of the meal and go up to 2 liters of water per day away from meals.

- Main meal very little fat and without dessert. Eat local without any complications.

- Follow the table below for your composition without exceerding 1500 calories per day.

Proteins of your choice Fibers Carbohydrates Lipids
Lean meats Vegetables apple Little or not
fish Okra Yam or Taro
Grilled meats Moringa leaf soup Banana or banana foufou Little or no almonds
Grilled fish Raw vegetables Yam foufou Little or no nuts
Hard-boiled eggs African leaf soup Potatoes Little or no hazelnuts
Cheese Onions, garlic, lemons, pineapples, Seasonal fruits, etc. A little rice
Lemon cure a little cassava or derivatives.
Grapefruit curd Akassa or fermented corn flour
  Orange curd    


-Red light: snacking, pastries, cold cuts, cakes, sweets, white sugar and alcohol in all its forms because of their calorie content and their tendency to excite the appetite when you need to reduce them.

- Green light: Drink unsweetened water with ripe lemon all day long and practice 45 minutes of walking every day.

NB: The body will draw from its fat reserves, everything it needs. You have stored enough. So do not be afraid, the feelings of hunger will disappear very quickly. In case of strong temptations, a vegetable broth without oil is enough or a small pot of 0% fat yogurt. Walk every day that God gives you, move around, garden, tinker, burn your calories, don't panic, your efforts will be rewarded.

Remember that rice and cereals provide more calories than bread and bread provides more calories than tubers. So in a weight loss diet, it is necessary to privilege the tubers (potato, taro, potato, yam and a few slices of toast). Reduce or eliminate oils (nearly 900 calories per 100g), cold cuts (pork), egg yolks, fermented drinks, wine and appetizers (600 calories per 100g). Beware of oilseeds and dried fruits because of their calorie content, take little rice and little corn foufou. Natural fruit juices without white sugar are tolerated without abuse.

b) - Detoxification diet.

This diet allows the body to quickly purify itself of its toxins and regain its basic balance. It is a good cleansing diet for everyone except children. This diet lasts three weeks.

i) The first three days. Take upon awakening, on an empty stomach, a large glass of water, not or very little mineralized. Morning, noon and evening, a selection of very ripe fruits: orange, grapefruit, pineapple, apples, tomatoes. Take it moderately, as desired and not more. Nothing else except a little water, depending on thirst, between these meals. Rest and sleep as much as possible.

NB: The thin and the nervous will be enough for three days but the obese can go beyond.

ii) Fourth day and following

 --Each day when you get up, take the juice of a very ripe lemon in half a liter of lukewarm water.

- Breakfast: Fruits indicated for the previous days.

--Midday: Vegetable broth

-Evening: Salad and raw vegetables. One or two cooked, non-floury vegetables.

3i) Second week.

--Continue to take lukewarm lemon water in the morning.

- Breakfast: Fruits as before. --Midday: Green salad and raw vegetables with one or two dry pancakes or a slice of dried brown bread /

--Evening: Vegetable broth, two or three steamed vegetables. Vegetable salad.

NB: This diet provides enough cellulose to excite intestinal peritaltism and prevent constipation. Do not use laxatives. Of course, if there is an organic obstruction (tumor for example), the problem is different.

4i) Third week.

- Continue to take the lemon water in the morning and the fruits for breakfast.

--Midday: Green salad and raw vegetables and dry pancake or wholemeal biscuit, or slice of wholemeal bread, or potato, or potatoes or yams or bananas or taro or foufou corn or rice with a little vegetable oil and lean fish , without exceeding 1,500 calories per day. Eat little, eat right, and eat a balanced diet.

--Evening: A nitrogenous dish (cheese, egg, lean meat or fish, beans, etc.). A dish containing two or three cooked green vegetables. A little raw salad.

NB: You can add a little moringa powder to food. The skinny and nervous people can have a small pot of yogurt in the morning around 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. (one hour after lemon water). If they do not tolerate fruit, they can replace it with green vegetable or carrot juice. When hungry for this third week, the body is rid of its toxins. But it is essential, in order to maintain this well-being, to adopt a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle (without tobacco, alcohol, and stress).

c) - Quartile diet to lose pounds without suffering.

First week: for 7 days, you only take 75% of your usual ration, i.e. a reduction of 25%.

Second week: For 7 days now, you only take 50% of your pre-diet ration, a reduction of 50%.

Third week: During then 7 days, you take only 25% of your ration before the diet, that is to say a reduction of 75%.

Fourth week and following week: you continue as during the third week until you find the desired weight.

NB: You can accompany your diet with one of the herbal teas from the herbal teas for weight loss section. Once the goal is reached you must control your diet so as not to regain the lost pounds.

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